Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Matter of Height

At 5'11" I am sometimes a little apprehensive about wearing any heel over about an inch in height, even though I LOVE wearing heels. I love the way it feels to walk in heels - an instant notch up in confidence and sass.

Lately I've been really into these mid-calf boots and ankle boots. I've been eyeing them for sometime now, but apparently it seems that for the most part the boot manufacturers think if you're wearing boots that surely you're 5'3" and yearning to be eye-level with the NBA stars. Not true for me. So my option is to be taller than the NBA stars (well, ok, not quite) or to wear flats, which seem so...... flat.

Exhibit A: I fell IN LOVE with this pair of booties the other day while shoe-shopping with my mom. I felt the heel may be too tall though (it's 3 3/4", though it looked taller to me). I had my mother stand next to me in the mirror while I stood with one sock-foot and one in the heel. I'm already taller than her and when I stood on the heel my head disappeared above the mirror on the wall. Despite the amazing price, I left the shoes for someone else to adore.

I keep thinking about these booties though, and all the boots I've been looking at:

Final conclusion: I don't care if they make me Gigantor, I have to have them! I guess when you're nearly 6' and already towering over everyone, what's a few extra inches?

Time to go shoppin'! :D

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