**Please ignore the stray threads I hadn't trimmed off yet**

I, of course, didn't start it until the week of Christmas. My husband asked if I "like" to sew, because I seem flustered/stressed when I do it. I told him I love to sew, just not when I'm on a time crunch. He said, "But you're always on a time crunch when you sew." Point taken. But time crunch and all, I loved making this pattern. It was straight forward and relatively easy for me to understand. I'm new to sewing, and had to look up a few terms and techniques, but I got through it relatively unscathed - short of cutting my fabric pieces out in the wrong layout and having to go buy more fabric. Twice.
I was proud of the little details like the velcro tab, velcro strap handle, and pleated pockets. I was so excited to give it to her, and so touched by her reaction. She really really loved it. :)

If you're interested in trying it, the pattern was Butterick B5006. It also includes patterns for some accessories like a knitting needle roll, round needle case, sewing pouch and a pincushion. These will be great follow-up gifts (mother's day, birthday) for me to give my mohter-in-law to go with her new tote!